Thursday, April 26, 2012

I'm A Feminist Because..

  • I'm a feminist because since I was young, boys were favored.  Physically, in sports teams, whatever.  I'm grow up a tomboy, a girl who was doing things most boys were, and was hit in the face with how much teachers would prefer boys helping them move things, how everyone thought the boys teams were better, etc.
  • I'm a feminist because I don't want to be forced to write under a male pseudonym.  J. K. Rowling published her books with her initials and not her full name because her editors believed no one would pick up an action/fantasy written by a women.  I want to be a writer, a poet, something creative, and expressing my femininity - or my pangender identity, for that matter - shouldn't be a turn off to a potential buyer.
  • I'm a feminist because my future daughters and I deserve the same opportunities as my future sons and husband.  Although I have ZERO desire to join the military, I think it's sexist that when you register to vote, only men's names are put in the draft.  Equality is key.  If a man and women apply for the same job, the best qualified one should receive it, not the one society has proclaimed more fit by genitals.
  • I'm a feminist because being a stay-at-home mom, while admirable, is no longer the only way to go, and I want my kids to see that.  I want the boys to know they can be nurses, nursery teachers, or hair dressers and that's OKAY and for the girls to know they can be construction workers, electricians, and other masculine jobs, and that's OKAY, because gender roles are stupid.
  • I'm a feminist because no human should be perceived as an object, a toy, something to just play around with.  I'm a women, and I should have rights because I'm a human being.  Regardless of how I identify, what's between my legs, on my chest, or on my birth certificate.  I deserve rights because I am breathing and living and a person.

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