Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Why I Am A Straight Supporter of LGBT rights.

Because for some reason, this seems to be something that comes up a lot, and people have questioned my sexuality.  And honestly, I don’t really care.  If someone thinks I’m a lesbian or bi, it makes no difference to me, because I know who I am.  But it makes me angry that people seem to think that you HAVE to be at least bi or pan to support gay rights.  I’m straight, but not narrow.
  • I know my rights from my wrongs.  It’s wrong to deny love.  It’s wrong to preach hate.  It’s wrong to tell people they will burn in hell because they were born a certain way.  It’s right to give basic equal rights to every human being.  It’s right to respect love, even if it’s a different love than yours.  It’s right to watch people live in happiness, same-sex or not.  It’s right to let foster children that need parents have parents that are in love, even if they aren’t the same sex.
  • I want a better world for my children.  I want a world where it is okay to be whoever you are.  Despite the growing amount of acceptance, there is still a devastating amount of hate.  There are cruel, close-minded people that think an emotion as simple as love is gross.  There are people that can’t keep their nose’s out of other people’s bedrooms and pants.  It doesn’t matter to anyone that I like penis, it shouldn’t matter to anyone if I liked vagina.  My life, my decisions.  I will raise my children in a non-homophobic, accepting household where they know form an early age that whoever they are, I love them.  Gay, straight, bi, pan, trans, it is all equal to me.  They will be my children, and unconditional love is part of parenthood.  I want my kids to grow up in a world where love is embraced.  I want my kids to grow up in a world where they don’t have to fear being shunned for their sexual preference.  I’d honestly like to raise my kids and never assume that they’re straight.  I don’t like the whole idea of “coming out.” I never had to come out as straight.  I’d like to have homosexuality and gender a part of my sex talk I give to my kids.
  • Some of the most kind, beautiful, amazing, and sweet people I know are gay, bi, pan, or gender queer in some way.  They’re all amazing.  They shouldn’t be denied their rights to happiness, simply because it’s something seen as different.  We are all human beings.  We all deserve equality.
  • I would like to live in a world, and pave the way for any after me to a world, where gender roles are not to stiff.  Where there is not the immediate “gay” label to a man who does anything feminine, where there is not the immediate “dyke” label to a women who does anything masculine.  Where girls don’t HAVE to like pink and play with Barbies and boys don’t HAVE to like blue and play with Power Rangers.  Gender, in all honesty, is not that narrow or black and white.  More people need this realization.
I want to make a difference, an impact, and I believe in this.  I want to help make change.

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